SRG Universe: Ep. 9 – 01/06/2021 Ft. JT Dunn – The Y Networks
Ep. 9 - 01/06/2021 Ft. JT Dunn
On today’s episode, we ring in the new year with “The” JT Dunn! Plus the boys lay the smackdown on Raw legends night, praise Wrestle Kingdom 15, and a new trivia war begins!
#wwe #wweuniverse #raw #mondaynightraw #smackdown #smackdownlive #aew #aewdynamite #dynamite #aewdark #impact #impactwrestling #tna #nwa #nwapower #ecw #wcw #newjapan #whatculture #cultaholic #wrestlingobserverradio #srg #srguniverse #lff #newjapanprowrestling #wrestlekingdom #wk15
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Featured products: Mr. Rey's Mystery Box - Supershow the Game & Supershow the Game - 2 Player Set - Rainbow Girl Vs Terror Skull