Here’s The Pitch: Former Letterman VP & Stern Contributor Vinnie Favale – The Y Networks
Former Letterman VP & Stern Contributor Vinnie Favale
The Clean Phone Wand, Handheld UVC Sanitizer w/ Wrist Strap & Storage Bag
Vinnie Favale had a very interesting rise to stardom. A few entertainment jobs here and there led him to become the vice president of entertainment East Coast late night division for CBS. With that role led him to being very closely tied to David Letterman throughout his run at CBS and also a voice you would hear on the Howard Stern show as he became sort of a cult character, calling in from a bus on his way to work many times. All my interviews are loaded to www.youtube.com/stweekly if interested in more like these. Vinnie details some funny stories between the two entertainment icons.